Construction sites in Springfield are bustling with activity, involving multiple contractors and subcontractors. But what happens if you’re injured while working for a subcontractor? Missouri’s statutory employment laws protect you by holding general contractors responsible for workers’ compensation.
What Is Statutory Employment?
In Missouri, general contractors are considered statutory employers. This means they are liable for providing workers’ compensation benefits to injured employees of their subcontractors.
How Liability Works in Springfield Construction Projects
Here’s how the chain of liability functions on a construction site:
- A general contractor hires Subcontractor A.
- Subcontractor A hires Subcontractor B.
- If an employee of Subcontractor B is injured and the subcontractor does not have workers’ compensation insurance then the general contractor is responsible for workers’ comp as the statutory employer.
This legal framework ensures that all workers on a construction project in Springfield are protected, regardless of which contractor or subcontractor employs them.
Why Statutory Employment Matters
Without these laws, injured workers could be left without coverage if their direct employer failed to provide workers’ comp insurance. Statutory employment guarantees that Springfield construction workers have recourse after an injury.
Seek Legal Help for Construction Injuries
Navigating the complexities of statutory employment can be overwhelming. If you’ve been injured on a Springfield construction site, contact Webster & Carlton to learn about your rights and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.